Accommodation in Finnmark - 5 matches

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5 accommodations
Finnmark (Residential area, Lake area, Fjord area, Beach)
Finnmark (Residential area, Lake area, Fjord area, Beach)   Map
Cabin | Deep sea fishing from our boats. The Varangerfjord has good stocks of many fish species. Cod, saithe, halibut, redfish and catfish are some of the fish species you can easily catch in the fjord. But also rarer species such as flounder, turbot and ...

Vadsø (Mountain area, Valley/river area, Fjord area, Beach)
Vadsø (Mountain area, Valley/river area, Fjord area, Beach)   Map
Hotel | Lille Chili er en restaurant og hotell i Vestre Jakobselv. Restauranten er spesialisert på thaimat, burger og pizza. - Fiskekort - El-Sykkel - Catering - Private arrangementer

Skarsvåg (Beach)
Skarsvåg (Beach)   Map
Rooms and apartments | New holiday and fishing camp at North Cape

Hammerfest (Mountain area, Fjord area, Beach)
Hammerfest (Mountain area, Fjord area, Beach)   Map
Rooms and apartments | Tufjord brygge on Rolvsøya offers accommodation in seahouses, apartments and glamping.

Varanger-Halvøya (Residential area, Lake area, Fjord area, Beach)
Varanger-Halvøya (Residential area, Lake area, Fjord area, Beach)   Map
Rooms and apartments | Båtsfjord Brygge is a small and intimate deep sea fishing destination in the Arctic Båtsjord. We have 5 modern fishermen's cabins in different sizes and 8 modern and cozy hotel rooms. Here in Båtsfjord Brygge we higly value good customer service –...

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